Répertoire de publications scientifiques de chaque chercheur et chercheuse en lien avec la vision de la chaire, ainsi qu’un ensemble de ressources utiles en lien avec les projets et contributions des membres de la chaire.

De Leeuw, Evelyne. ‘Health beyond borders: the future of health promotions’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Oct. 2024.

De Leeuw, Evelyne, et al. ‘Des Milieux de Vie Favorables à La Santé Planétaire et Au Bien-Être: Considérations Pour Le Thème de La 25ème Conférence Mondiale de l’UIPES, à Abu Dhabi, En 2025’. Global Health Promotion, Sept. 2024. English version. Spanish version.

Grant, M., de Leeuw, E., Teixeira Caiaffa, W. et al.‘The Emergence of a Modern Paradigm for Urban Health’. F1000Research, vol. 13, Sept. 2024, p. 987. (Crossref),

Kim, J., de Leeuw, E., Harris-Roxas, B., & Sainsbury, P. (2023). Ontological foundations of urban health policy ideas: the case of planning Sydney’s Western Parkland City. Cities & Health, 8(3), 405–417.

de Leeuw, E., Kickbusch, I. & Rüegg, S.R. A health promotion perspective on One Health.Can J Public Health 115, 271–275 (2024).

Collins, P.Y., Sinha, M., Concepcion, T. et al. Making cities mental health friendly for adolescents and young adults. Nature 627, 137–148 (2024).

Prior J, Liu E, de Leeuw E, Morrison N, Tsouros A. Urban planning and development for health: key principles to guide action and change. Public Health Res Pract. 2023;33(4):e3342329.

Baum, Fran, et al. ‘Why Action on the Commercial Determinants of Health Is Vital’. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, vol. 34, no. 4, Oct. 2023, pp. 725–27. (Crossref),

Kim, J., de Leeuw, E., Harris-Roxas, B., Sainsbury, P., Five urban health research traditions: A meta-narrative review, Social Science & Medicine, Volume 336, 2023, 116265, ISSN 0277-9536,

de Leeuw, E., Crimeen A., Freestone R.. Reframing Health in Urban Airport Regions. Population Medicine. 2023;5(Supplement):A802.

de Leeuw E., Kim J., Harris-Roxas B., Sainsbury P. Different approaches to research on urban health: a meta-narrative review. Population Medicine. 2023;5(Supplement):A181.

Soumya Mazumdar, Karla Jaques, Stephen Conaty, Evelyne De Leeuw, Ori Gudes, Jinwoo (Brian) Lee, Jason Prior, Bin Jalaludin, Patrick Harris, Hotspots of change in use of public transport to work: A geospatial mixed method study, Journal of Transport & Health, Volume 31, 2023, 101650, ISSN 2214-1405,

Lin BB, Thompson S, Mitchell R, Astell-Burt T, De Leeuw E, Jalaludin B, Feng X. Policymaker and Practitioner Perceptions of Parks for Health and Wellbeing: Scoping a Holistic Approach. Sustainability. 2023; 15(6):5251.

de Leeuw, E. (2023). Health Promotion Political Research as Policy Practice. In: Jourdan, D., Potvin, L. (eds) Global Handbook of Health Promotion Research, Vol. 3. Springer, Cham.

Edgar Liu, Malgorzata Lagisz, Andrew Reid, Evelyne de Leeuw, Promoting health and wellbeing at health precincts: a rapid review of four built environment audit tools for assessing health precincts, Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health, Volume 1, 2023, ouad003,

Patrick Harris, Evelyne De Leeuw, Infrastructure and health: laying down the big connections for well-being, Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health, Volume 1, 2023, ouac002,

Bertrand, L., Chabot, C., Di Sante, M., Bilodeau, A., Potvin, L. Les pratiques de l’action intersectorielle local pour l’équité en santé : Étude du cas Quartier nourricier de la Corporation de développement communautaire Centre-Sud à Montréal. Global Health Promotion, on line first,

Bilodeau, A., Chabot, C., Di Sante, M., Martin, N., Potvin, L. Two strategies used by local intersectoral networks to create healthier environments: A cross-case analysis in the Montréal urban setting. Critical Public Health, 2023, 33,672-682.

 Roncarolo, F., Mercille, G., Riva, M., Perez, E., Blanchet, R., Carabali, M., Sylvestre, M-P., Potvin, L. The Pathways study: A cohort study of new food-aid users in rural, semi urban, and urban areas of Québec, Canada. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23: 1607. DOI:

Balarezo, Maria Laura Guerrero, et al. ‘Going the Distance: Gender Differences in Travel in Montréal, Canada’. Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 118, June 2024, p. 103935. (Crossref),

Pirie, S., Trépanier, M., & Rei, W. (2024). Characterization of a Covid-fired urban bike delivery system: The Montreal experience. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 56, 101187.

Zhang, C., Schmöcker, J.-D., & Trépanier, M. (2024). Carsharing adoption dynamics considering service type and area expansions with insights from a Montreal case study. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 167, 104810.

Garnier, C., Trépanier, M., & Morency, C. (2024). Persistent impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mobility behavior of paratransit users, montreal case study. Journal of Transport & Health, 35, 101777.

Mufida, M. K., Ait El Cadi, A., Delot, T., Trépanier, M., & Zekri, D. (2023). Spatiotemporal clustering of parking lots at the city level for efficiently sharing occupancy forecasting models. Sensors, 23(11), 5248.

Deschaintres, E., Morency, C., & Trépanier, M. (2023). Modeling interactions between the Montreal subway and other urban transportation modes at the station level. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 136, 105079.

Nong, Y., Ciari, F., Majeau-Bettez, G., Patouillard, L., & Trépanier, M. (2023). Prospective environmental impact of carsharing: A snapshot of large-scale use of carsharing. 102nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.

Pasanen, S., Halonen, J. I., Suorsa, K., Leskinen, T., Gonzales-Inca, C., Kestens, Y., Thierry, B., Pentti, J., Vahtera, J., & Stenholm, S. (2024). Exposure to useable green space and physical activity during active travel: A longitudinal GPS and accelerometer study before and after retirement. Health & Place, 90, 103366.

Kestens, Y., Winters, M., Fuller, D., Bell, S., Berscheid, J., Brondeel, R., Cantinotti, M., Datta, G., Gauvin, L., Gough, M., Laberee, K., Lewis, P., Lord, S., Luan, H. (. H., McKay, H., Morency, C., Muhajarine, N., Nelson, T., Ottoni, C., … Wasfi, R. (2019). INTERACT: A comprehensive approach to assess urban form interventions through natural experiments. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 51.

Kestens, Y., & Kingsbury, C. (2024). In the right place at the right time: Leveraging geographic ecological momentary assessment to analyze contexts and health. In S. Kühn (Ed.), Environmental Neuroscience (pp. 517–532). Springer Nature Switzerland.

Manrique Rueda, G., Poirier Stephens, Z., Therrien, M.-C., Kestens, Y., Arnaud, J., & Pascal, N. (2024). City/science intersections: A scoping review of science for policy in urban contexts. Cities, 152, 105132.

Stephens, Z. P., Firth, C. L., Cantinotti, M., Fuller, D., Winters, M., & Kestens, Y. (2024). Imagining and implementing healthy city interventions: Combined results from parallel concept mapping exercises in Montreal with community members and stakeholders. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 115(4), 599–610.

Doiron, D., Setton, E. M., Syer, J., Redivo, A., McKee, A., Noaeen, M., Patel, P., Booth, G. L., Brauer, M., Fuller, D., Kestens, Y., Rosella, L. C., Stieb, D., Villeneuve, P. J., & Brook, J. R. (2024). Healthyplan. City: A web tool to support urban environmental equity and public health in canadian communities. Journal of Urban Health, 101(3), 497–507.

Winters, M., Fuller, D., Cloutier, M.-S., Harris, M. A., Howard, A., Kestens, Y., Kirk, S., Macpherson, A., Moore, S., Rothman, L., Shareck, M., Tomasone, J. R., Laberee, K., Stephens, Z. P., Sones, M., Ayton, D., Batomen, B., Bell, S., Collins, P., … Beck, B. (2024). Building CapaCITY/É for sustainable transportation: Protocol for an implementation science research program in healthy cities. BMJ Open, 14(4), e085850.

Kiani, B., Thierry, B., Fuller, D., Firth, C., Winters, M., & Kestens, Y. (2023). Gentrification, neighborhood socioeconomic factors and urban vegetation inequities: A study of greenspace and tree canopy increases in Montreal, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 240, 104871.

Fancello, G., Vallée, J., Sueur, C., van Lenthe, F. J., Kestens, Y., Montanari, A., & Chaix, B. (2023). Micro urban spaces and mental well-being: Measuring the exposure to urban landscapes along daily mobility paths and their effects on momentary depressive symptomatology among older population. Environment International, 178, 108095.

Leboeuf, C., Carvalho, M., Kestens, Y., & Thierry, B. (2023). Optimization of the location and design of urban green spaces. arXiv.

Karmann, J., Najjar, M., Ottoni, C. A., Shareck, M., Lord, S., Winters, M., Fuller, D., & Kestens, Y. (2023). “They didn’t have to build that much”: A qualitative study on the emotional response to urban change in the Montreal context. Emotion, Space and Society, 46, 100937.

Delpy, L., Astbury, C. C., Aenishaenslin, C., Ruckert, A., Penney, T. L., Wiktorowicz, M., Ciss, M., Benko, R., & Bordier, M. (2024). Integrated surveillance systems for antibiotic resistance in a One Health context: A scoping review. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 1717.

Ruckert, A., Harris, F., Aenishaenslin, C., Aguiar, R., Boudreau-LeBlanc, A., Carmo, L. P., Labonté, R., Lambraki, I., Parmley, E. J., & Wiktorowicz, M. E. (2024). One Health governance principles for AMR surveillance: A scoping review and conceptual framework. Research Directions: One Health, 2, e4.

Zhang, X.-X., Lederman, Z., Han, L.-F., Schurer, J. M., Xiao, L.-H., Zhang, Z.-B., Chen, Q.-L., Pfeiffer, D., Ward, M. P., Sripa, B., Gabriël, S., Dhama, K., Acharya, K. P., Robertson, L. J., Deem, S. L., Aenishaenslin, C., Dantas-Torres, F., Otranto, D., Grace, D., … Zhou, X.-N. (2024). Towards an actionable One Health approach. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 13(1), 28.

Potes, L., Bouchard, C., Rocheleau, J.-P., Richard, L., Leighton, P., Pelletier, J., Baron, G., & Aenishaenslin, C. (2023). Evaluation of a community-based One Health intervention to reduce the risk of Lyme disease in a high-incidence municipality. CABI One Health, ohcs202300017.

Lord, S., Alves de Souza, M., Schnepp, E., Boutas, A., & Negron-Poblete, P. (2024). Quand la diversité culturelle des territoires métropolitains avance en âge. Est-ce que la forme urbaine des territoires influence le risque d’exclusion ? Revue Interventions économiques. Papers in Political Economy, 71.

McCullogh, E., Macpherson, A., Hagel, B., Giles, A., Fuselli, P., Pike, I., Torres, J., & Richmond, S. A. (2023). Road safety, health equity, and the built environment: Perspectives of transport and injury prevention professionals in five Canadian municipalities. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 1211.

Frohlich, K. L., & Collins, P. A. (2024). Children’s right to the city and their independent mobility: Why it matters for public health. J Epidemiol Community Health, 78(1), 66–68.

Frohlich, K. L., & Collins, P. A. (2024). Children’s right to the city and their independent mobility: Why it matters for public health. J Epidemiol Community Health, 78(1), 66–68.